For those who serve

eChap is concerned for those who serve others because serving others has a personal cost both for ourselves and our families.

Sometimes despite our best hopes and intentions, our desire to help others tragically goes wrong. We get hurt and we hurt other people. The desire to serve which initially inspired us and kept us going, becomes a source of despair and we are left feeling defeated. Idealism morphs into cynicism and we become the worst version of ourselves.

Other people can become the victims of our passion. The accumulated injuries acquired while trying to do the right thing and serve others can have a negative affect on us and those who love and care for us.

eChap is born of personal experience in defence and as a pastor in civilian life. I have shared in the life and experiences of many who served in the military, police, ambulance, fire, SES, doctors, nurses, aged care, mental health, teachers, public servants, cleaners and even politicians. I can assure you that many people get hurt. Hurt people hurt other people. Our hurts need healing and with healing we can again be the best version of ourselves. Healed people – heal people.

Look out here for helpful resources as I find them.